Crabtree Infants' and Junior School

Crabtree Infants' and Junior School

Making A Difference


School meals are provided by Lunchtime Company and are cooked on site daily. Alternatively, pupils may bring packed lunches from home - parents are requested to include healthy choices in the lunches and there should be no chocolate or fizzy drinks. The school has a no nuts or sesame policy, as there are children in school with life-threatening allergies.

Children have a choice of meals and make their selection each morning from the Menu. The menu is rotated on a three-weekly basis and comprises a hot meat or fish option, a hot vegetarian option and a sandwich option.

Infants' School 

School meals are free for Infant School children. You can order up to 10 weeks in advance on Parent Pay. The menu is in 3 weekly cycles. 

If you have any questions, please contact the school office 

Junior School 

Junior school meals cost £3.20 per pupil. Invoices are issued half-termly in advance and our preferred means of payment is via WisePay - click on the logo at the bottom of this page to go directly to the WisePay login page.

Parents are asked to give half a term's notice to switch from school meals to packed lunches; to move to school meals or to arrange a trial of school meals, please speak to the School Office.

Free School Meals are available for children of families on low incomes. To find out if you qualify, go to There are other benefits to FSM: children may also qualify for remission of music fees or help with school uniform. In addition, a portion of the school's funding is directly related to the number of children eligible for FSM.





